Archives → 1978 → 4/27
- Kubrick Gets His Kicks; Hawks Hyperventilates
- Just Desserts
- The Glee Club's Bach, but the HRO's in Haydn
- The Weekly What Calendar Listings: April 27-May 3
- Rockquiem for Rich
- The Gist Is Gusto
- Rich Joffe: Greaser to Grad Student
- No Snappy Titles
- Corporation Rejects Bank Divestiture
- Anthropology Professor Will Leave
- Forty Power Plant Opponents Protest in Front of Mass Hall
- Stanford Sit-In
- Blumenfeld, Kearney Victorious In Boylston Prize Competition
- A Siege Mentality
- Bloody Good G&S
- Text of the Corporation Statement
- Yale Professor Criticizes Survey of University Faculties
- Novelist Speaks About Creativity At Open Forum
- Radcliffe Selects T-Shirt Slogan For Centennial
- Faught Destroys UNH Laxmen, 13-7
- Red Sox Lose, 6-4