Archives → 1975 → 4/23
- Pusey Opening Delayed
- Overseers Probe Harvard's City Role
- Chavez Predicts Victory for Farmworkers
- Invalidation of Harvard LSAT Requires 250 to Repeat Exam
- Cambodian Victory
- Danger from Within
- Draft Doctors
- A Production for the Purist
- An Uncertain Vindication
- Shockley's Racism Circus Comes to Yale
- Harvard Golfers Take GBC; Vik, Yellin, McConnell Sweep
- Intramurals
- Radcliffe Fades in Second Half; UNH Blasts Past Stickwomen
- Freshman Sports
- Thinclads Decimate Yale; Will Send 19 to England
- Netmen Victorious; Shutout Williams