Archives → 1948 → 5/12
- Meat Plant Pickets Revived By HLU, Radcliffe Support
- Students Garner Over $1000 In Bowdoin Literary Contest
- Three Men Named as '49 Album Executives
- Tony Lupien Changes Sox...
- AHC Convention Draws Alumni to Philadelphia
- Summer Housing Awaits Final Tally
- Eliot Crew Takes House Crown by Five-Foot Margin
- Yard Intramurals
- The Circusgoer
- Advice to Pre-Meds
- Kirkland Has No Sheep But That Won't Bother Deacons' Yearbook
- Ullman Becomes President of NE Geography Group
- Juniors Appointed for Usher Jobs During Commencement Exercises
- U of C Seniors Cry 'Politics' At Commencement Day Shift
- Professor, Student Air Problems of Marriage
- Eldredge Cops Darcey Sculling Cup
- Lining Them Up
- Tennis Squad Takes On Elis In New Haven
- Freshman Nine Rallies To Edge Huskies, 6-5
- Rugby Team Elects
- Dudley Wins Two
- Baseball Results
- Varsity Edges B.U., 4-3
- News in Brief