

Have Some Fun, Hon

Rhyme and Reason


Welcome one, and welcome all
It’s great to have you here.
This will be my column
For the next, like, half a year.
“What’s with all the rhymes?” you ask
“You sound like you are three.”
First of all, rude.
And second, wait and see.

I’ve noticed something worrisome
It’s really quite mysterious
that many Harvard undergrads
Are simply far too serious!
They only read the classics.
And work themselves to death
They hope for Goldman Sachs and Bain
With tense and baited breath.

The Ivies are notorious
For hyper-toxic vibes
They’re so hard to get into
Some rich folks resort to bribes!
But all that competition means
That students can feel trapped
Like if they don’t speak Shakespeare
Then they’ll never quite adapt!

This column is an argument
Against all that BS
Rhyming is a weapon
I will use to self-express!
I hope that people read this
And realize it’s okay
To take themselves less seriously
And add fun to their day.

I have a great semester planned!
From final clubs to school,
We’ll touch on all things Harvard.
And if you’re like, “That’s not cool.”
Just know that rhymes are learning tools.
They worked when you were two.
And though you have regressed since then,
They just might work anew.

So what’s this first piece all about?
What’s column number one?
People at this school, it seems,
Feel guilty having fun.
They start their econ homework,
Then pause to watch a show.
But after that they’ll curse their
Lazy asses. “No, Chad, No!
You fool! You numb nut!
You’ve wasted so much time!
Goldman Sachs will hate you
If you watch more Shonda Rhimes!”
Then they drink a Red Bull
And as penance, they stay up
Till 5:30 in the morning.
Is this unproductive? Yup!

As students we are busy,
And rarely have the time
To do things just for fun
Like watch a show or write a rhyme! (wink)
Harvard’s reputation
Of academic clout
Enforces this reality
By filling us with doubt:
“Should I start my essay?
I haven’t had lunch yet….
I really need some sleep
But I should start the next pset!”

Because there’s always work to do,
And we all want success,
We often forgo pleasure
Which results in undue stress.
But here’s a little secret
That psychology supports:
Too long without a break,
creates problems – Times reports.

Taking breaks is healthy.
It helps prevent fatigue!
So don’t feel guilty taking time
To check that football league.
Studies show that taking breaks
And time away from work
Creates healthy long term habits
That we otherwise might shirk.
Like sleep! And exercise!
And human interaction!
Science says that rested folks
Have “higher satisfaction.”

The human brain is built to wander
We can focus ≈40 minutes
Then our brain will quit its ponder!
So pushing through is by no means
The “best” thing we should do
Guilt’s not necessary—
take some time that’s just for you!

But for you workaholics,
Know there’s grade benefits, too
Work tends to be better when
Your brain is fresh and new
Taking time to hang with friends
Or doing things you like
Is not anti-productive,
It makes ideas spike!

And of course, for mental health,
Some fun breaks are required!
They help us to escape
The stressful patterns we’ve got wired.
Knowing it’s important
To do things that we enjoy
Will help us live our lives here
With more happiness and joy.

Does that mean we should never work?
Or party every night?
Nah bro, make smart choices
And I swear you’ll be alright.
My point here is, a show or two?
A day that’s just for fun?
It certainly won’t kill you
And will help in the long run.

So if, to save your mental health,
You need to take a break.
Then girl, you should do it!
At least, do it for my sake.

Mireya Sánchez-Maes ’24 is a joint concentrator in English and Theater, Dance, and Media in Currier House. Her column “Rhyme and Reason” appears on alternate Mondays.


