
AROUND THE IVIES: Weekend to Shake Up Tight Ancient Eight Standings


Every time Columbia basketball gets moving, the world has a funny way of knocking it to its knees.

Up four with just 10 seconds to go last Saturday, Columbia borrowed a page out of its own book. Recently the most defining quality of Columbia has been its ability to, and I paraphrase Drake, drop from a hundred to zero real quick. It happened in Jadwin and Lavietes last year, against Harvard in Levien the year before, and even showed up when the Lions traveled to Kentucky.

Princeton was the last in a long line of Lions tormentors, scoring 10 points in the final 30 seconds of regulation to tie a game it would eventually win by five in overtime. Freshman Devin Cannady had the dagger—a bomb just inside the scorer’s table to tie the game with four seconds left—to cap the run, which vaulted Princeton into sole control of second place in the league with Yale coming to town.

While the focus lies on Columbia’s inability to shake its late-game tormentors, which have persisted longer than the Cha Cha Slide, the more important long-term takeaway may have been Princeton’s ascendance. By most standard efficiency metrics, this year’s Tigers team has been better than four of the last five league champions—only undefeated Yale has been better. The Bulldogs had a quiet weekend, overcoming a half of lackluster play against Dartmouth to come up with two dominant road wins. Star forward Justin Sears, who said last year beating Harvard was one of the two reasons he came to New Haven, had little to say after the win, calling Harvard just another “roadblock.”


With six games to go, Yale’s biggest test comes Friday in Jadwin. Princeton—located just 30 minutes way from where Sears grew up—is the only team to lose to Yale by less than 10 points this year. Its wings, juniors Stephen Cook, Spencer Weisz, and Henry Caruso, combine with the fearsome Amir Bell-Cannady point guard hydra give the Tigers shooters at four positions. They are the only team who can move Sears, who rarely ventures out from the paint on defense, and frontcourt teammate Brandon Sherrod around on offense.

If Yale is worried, they aren’t showing it. Fresh off his third straight win at Lavietes, a first for any opponent during Tommy Amaker’s time in Cambridge, Yale coach James Jones offered his opinion this week that the team’s last game with the Tigers wasn’t really that close at all. Jones is a brutally honest quote, but also a single-minded competitor. He’s the longest-tenured Division I basketball coach in America not to have made the big Dance, and comes off as very aware of it. He’s twice lost in a playoff, and last year’s Dartmouth loss was about as painful as a defeat can be.

Yet he should be worried about the Tigers. Cannady and Bell are two of the only players in the league who can keep up with his lightning quick point guard, sophomore Makai Mason. Yale lost its senior point guard Jack Montague this week indefinitely to personal leave, the causes of which are pure speculation, and the result is that it has just one guard on its bench—senior Khaliq Ghani—Jones trusts to play big minutes. Yale made an atypical 11 threes last time against Princeton, something it is unlikely to repeat with Montague gone.

On the other side, Caruso has to be accounted for. The junior had his worst game of the season against Columbia, making just one of 10 shots, but one of his best the last time out against Yale. He got his 26 points in a variety of ways, flummoxing the bigger Yale defenders that Jones threw at him. He ranks fifth in the league in scoring and an impressive fourth in field goal percentage, ahead of Sherrod—owner of an the NCAA-record 30 straight makes.

While Yale is the team with the longer NCAA Tournament berth drought, Caruso represents a legion of Princeton juniors who have never tasted success. He, Cook, and Weisz have toiled in the league’s middle class for the better part of three years, watching Yale and Harvard fight tooth and nail for the last two titles. The trio was unable to shake the hegemony with a single victory in their first five tries, but aced their first test at home this year, scoring 53 points on 40 shots in a clinical 21-point dismantling of the Crimson.

Friday poses a much harder midterm, but a stronger reward. Win and Princeton shifts the entire dynamic of the league, violently grabbing the driver’s seat from the team whose pro-rated start would make it arguably the best Ivy champion ever. Yale still has to go to Columbia, while Princeton gets the Lions at home. If Princeton can win, something it has done nine of the last 10 times, it will have the inside track to the ‘ship.

As for the remaining seven games:


Harvard senior Patrick Steeves noted after losing to Penn that “we’re going to play all these guys again.” There’s no team, save perhaps Princeton, that Harvard would want to play more than Columbia—whose celebration after finally exercising their demons at Lavietes was outlandish. The Lions have not impressed in the last four games, but retain Maodo Lo—one of the league’s most talented players and, if his coach can get his way, a future NBA draft pick.

Pick: Columbia


These two schools share much in common: destitute locales, rowdy student bodies, and a commitment to playing one good weekend of basketball an Ivy League season. The journalism cognoscenti of the two schools have an interesting habit of eschewing midweek analysis of their school’s basketball team to comment on professional sports. From the depths of this week’s articles comes the hard-hitting analyses of Kevin Love (“I don’t like the guy”) and Buddy Hield (“the dude is absolutely sick”).

What’s the saying… “if it ain’t broke, it should be”?

Pick: Cornell


While the defining trait of these two teams is how much they hate Harvard, the schools have a special rivalry in their own right. Their annual football game, a sweater vest and Brooks Brothers affair if there ever was one, is the second-longest running rivalry in the country with its share of high points. The two schools have combined for 35 national titles, tops among any rivalry, and ruled the league before the rise of Harvard and Penn. Princeton’s 65-yard drop-kick to win the 1882 game remains an iconic moment in history, if not only to serve as evidence for the theory that before the forward pass came along, kickers pulled more than quarterbacks.

While it’s been icy—past Yale football players have called Princeton their biggest rival—the most profane airing of sparks happened in November, when Princeton freshman Sam Bellet, a self-proclaimed future student of “Men’s and Women’s Studies,” slammed air quotes around the world rivalry and echoed his inner Donald Trump in saying that “Princeton has had one of the most successful Halloweens in Halloween history whereas Yale can’t even decide what costume to put on.”

Howard, I do worry about these youth.

Pick: Princeton


This week’s journalism award goes to The Daily Pennsylvanian’s Round-Up column, a Wednesday reminder of teenage exceptionalism. From this week’s edition comes the tale of a frat brother who—absent a place to properly urinate—chugged a handle and relieved himself in trying to fill it to the brim. “Do what you gotta do” has rarely seemed like such bad advice.

Pick: Penn



Pick: Princeton


Steve Donahue’s feisty club is up to fourth in the league, a clear step below the top three but a step outside of the four-way tie for last. Freshman Jackson Donahue (no relation) anchors a solid shooting team that plays exclusively at the basket and behind the three-point line. He, along with classmates Max Rotschild and Jake Silpe, represents a much-needed glimmer of hope for a campus suffering from the tight-fisted reign of a tyrant that charges $200 for lost dorm keys.

Never has taking the wrong black jacket at the Owl seemed so harmless.

Pick: Yale


Dartmouth isn’t punchless, but unless Taylor Johnson—leading the league by making 70 percent of his twos—steps up, Miles Wright and Evan Bourdeaux aren’t going to be enough here.

Pick: Columbia


Cornell basketball is evocative of Ryan Reynolds: at first glance, both are pretty impressive but after a closer look, it becomes evident there’s something clearly not functioning there.

Pick: Harvard

—Staff writer David Freed can be reached at


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