
Football Team Leads Blood Drive Effort

Published by Kenny A. Lee on March 23, 2011 at 10:11PM

Though football season passed months ago, the Harvard football team’s work is still not done. In addition to bruising and beating down its opponents on the field, the team also works hard for the community. This Friday, March 25th, the team will be holding a blood drive to help the American Red Cross with its efforts to save those in need.

From 1-6 p.m., at the Dillon Field House 2nd Floor Lounge, the team will be on hand to help the phlebotomists draw blood from generous individuals. Every semester the team performs a service event, and this semester’s is a noble cause. Giving blood helps save lives.

“It’s something we do every year, one of our community service projects,” junior quarterback Collier Winters said. “We take pride in hosting the blood drive. We promote it throughout the week and then on Friday we have guys walk around campus in jerseys.  [It’s great to] hopefully help some one who’s in need of blood and do our part. It’s a good team bonding activity…We get to take part in something meaningful. It’s great thing to be able to help out the organization.”

These reasons should be enough to convince everyone in the community, Boston, Cambridge, and Harvard, to trek to the athletic complex and make a difference while supporting the team’s efforts.

Appointments can be made through the Red Cross website, or individuals can simply show up and donate.


