Looking for a cool alternative to the usual Sunday-morning college routine of hangovers, homework, and “veritaffles?” This weekend you have a great one. On Oct. 3, you can join Radcliffe crew in Boston’s first ever Jog for Jill, a 5k walk/run in memory of Jill Costello.
As many of you may have heard from this Crimson column last week Jill was a non-smoker and coxswain on the Cal rowing team who lost her battle against lung cancer this past June. She dedicated herself to raising money for cancer research in the last year of her life and, just months before passing away, led her team to a second-place finish at the NCAA Championships. The first Jog for Jill took place in San Francisco two weeks ago and raised over $350,000 for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
The Boston-area Jog for Jill event to benefit lung cancer research will kick off this Sunday at Artesani Park in Brighton, MA. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and the “jogging” itself kicks off at 9, but the event promises to be a full morning filled with fun and exercise, while of course promoting lung cancer awareness and raising money for the cause.
Members of Radcliffe crew will be participating in some way or another this weekend. So far, the heavyweight and lightweight teams have combined to raise $11,716 for the BJALCF, more than doubling their initial donation goal. Many Radcliffe rowers and other Crimson athletes also plan to participate in the run itself this Sunday. Check this out for more details, especially if you want to get involved either through donation, as a runner, or both.