12 Holidays: Fake or Real?

FM takes a look at some unique national holidays you should add to your calendar.

National holidays range from the meaningful, like the recently celebrated President’s Day, to the downright absurd, like Public Sleeping Day. As we approach the month of March, FM takes a look at some unique national holidays you should add to your calendar. Here are some of the most bizarre holidays we found, with a few fictitious ones thrown into the mix. See if your discerning eye can determine the real holidays from the fake ones.

1. Run Up the Flagpole & See If Anyone Salutes Day, January 2

2. Thank a Mailman Day, February 4

3. If Pets Had Thumbs Day, March 3

4. National Kermit the Frog Day, April 13

5. Eat What You Want Day, May 11

6. Embrace a Communist Day, June 20

7. National Teddy Bear Picnic Day, July 10

8. Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day, August 8

9. International Talk Like A Pirate Day, September 19

10. International Moment of Frustration Scream Day, October 12

11. Swing From a Chandelier Day, November 7

12. National Netflix and Chill Day, December 30

Fake holidays: 4, 6, 11, 12