OCI By the Numbers

Luckily, FM did some digging to find out how many people are interviewing on campus and how many are actually landing jobs. Don’t forget, as OCS says, “the job search is a contact sport.”

It’s October, so your first worry at the start of every beautiful day is what you will be donig next summer. If you are a senior, post-grad plans. If you haven’t been to every Office of Career Services event for your chosen and determined career field, you might be feeling pretty behind. Not to worry—the On Campus Interview program brings employers directly to you here in Cambridge. But with interviews and workshops and buzzwords flying left and right, and your friends, friends’ roommates, and friend’s roomate’s cousin’s boyfriend waxing poetic about coffee chats, finding a job can feel like a full-time job. Luckily, FM did some digging to find out how many people are interviewing on campus and how many are actually landing jobs. Don’t forget, as OCS says, “the job search is a contact sport.”

By Year:


205 Employers conducted interviews on campus last year

5,776 Summer internship interviews by students


4 Offer decision deadlines

26 Interview days in the fall

17 Interview days in the spring

By Class:


4% Used OCI

5 Average number of OCI applications per freshman

2 Average number of OCI

<1%of the class accepted


14% Used OCI

8 Average number of OCI applications per sophomore

2 Average number of OCI interviews per sophomore

4% of the class accepted an offer through OC


38% Used OCI

17 Average number of OCI applications per junior

5 Average number of OCI interviews per junior

20% of the class accepted an offer through OCI


39% used OCI

14 average number of OCI applications per senior

5 average number of OCI interviews per senior

22% of the class accepted an offer through OCI