Extension Mad Libs

As you know, I am __________ (incredibly passionate about/utterly disinterested in/mind-numbingly bored by) your class. I have _________________ (thoroughly enjoyed/briefly skimmed/never bought the textbook for) all of the reading assignments).

Dear Professor _____________,

As you know, I am __________ (incredibly passionate about/utterly disinterested in/mind-numbingly bored by) your class. I have _________________ (thoroughly enjoyed/briefly skimmed/never bought the textbook for) all of the reading assignments).

I find your lectures to be _____________ (fascinating/a great chance to catch up on my Facebook stalking/boring, I’m sure, but I wouldn’t know because I never went). That being said, when I ________ (first received/just learned about one minute ago) the assignment for the upcoming _________ (essay/project/pset/anything that can’t be done in five minutes the night before), I was ___________ (excited about the idea of/not even considering) getting started. Unfortunately, due to the demanding work I have been putting into _________ (classes I actually care about/playing video games/sleeping), I have not found a chance to get the assignment ____________ (completed in the way I would like/started in any way at all). As a result, I would greatly appreciate it if I could (have a 24 hour extension/have another week or two/just never turn in) the assignment, as I believe my final product would be ___________ (greatly improved/at least as long as this email) with the extra time given. That being said, I _________ (completely understand/will hate you forever and give you a horrible Q score) if an extension is not possible, and I can definitely turn in the work that ________________ (I have already done/I do between the time I send this email and the time you email me back). I hope that you ______________ (understand my genuine fondness for your class/just give me an A) despite my request for extra time. Once again, __________ (thank you so much/please just say yes).

Best,___________ (Panicked Freshman the Night Before/Indifferent Senior the Hour Before)