Term Time: LS1A

The folks behind LS1A—Harvard’s popular introductory life sciences course—have become known for renaming various ordinary aspects of their class, such as tests (“ICEs”) and homework (“pre-games”). Confused by all these unfamiliar terms? Never fear—we’ve created a handy guide to the LS1A lexicon, and added a few suggestions of our own.

The folks behind LS1A—Harvard’s popular introductory life sciences course—have become known for renaming various ordinary aspects of their class, such as tests (“ICEs”) and homework (“pre-games”). Confused by all these unfamiliar terms? Never fear—we’ve created a handy guide to the LS1A lexicon, and added a few suggestions of our own.


ICE: Stands for “In Class Examination.” Renamed mainly to make second-order rate reactions sound cool and edgy. Also slippery and difficult to grasp, like the course material.

ICE Cube: The final exam, so named because it’s three times the length of a regular ICE. Topics tested range from intermolecular forces and membrane potential to the trials of hustlin’ on the streets of Compton, with a possible extra credit question on the lovable family comedy “Are We There Yet?”

Pre-game: A homework assignment to be completed before lecture. Helps LS1A students misrepresent weekend activities (e.g: “Dude, what are you up to tonight? / Pre-game? Pre-game? ’Bout to pregame so hard, you don’t even know”).

Post-game: An unusually difficult p-set. Often lasts well into the night, ending when you wake up dazed in Cabot the next morning with N-methylacetamide molecules drawn in Sharpie on your face.

Pimpin’: A high honor in LS1A. PIMP stands for “Prepared, Intelligent, Might Pass.” True PIMP status is rare and sought after by many. Those who resort to academic dishonesty are given the dishonorable title of PLAYA (Please Let me Access Your Answers).

The Kong: Late-night lab section with lots of toxic mixtures.

Beer goggles: Another word for lab goggles. With these on, even the most hazardous chemicals appear to be in your league. TFs advise against feeling up materials such as hydrochloric acid when under the influence. You will regret your poor judgment in the morning.

Lab swag: Lab coats. The LS1A team, jealous of CS50’s popular t-shirt line, are hatching plans to reinvent this humble stable as a fashion statement, complete with embroidered Harvard logo. Next step: bedazzled industrial strength rubber gloves.

Basic Bitches: Solutions with a pH greater than seven.

Walk of Shame: The long trek back from pre-ICE office hours at the BioLabs building, usually spent worrying over how screwed you are. Always in closed-toed heels.

Hangover: Life Sciences 1B.