
Note to Our Readers

As you may have noticed, there is no separate sports section this Monday, as there has been for years. Many of the stories that would have been in that section appear in today's flagship daily paper, but some do not.

We have decided to eliminate the weekly sports section in favor of focusing on online content to continue providing the Harvard community top-notch sports news in as timely a manner as possible. We hope this shift will allow The Crimson to play as large a role on campus 140 years from now as it has in its first 140 years.

When The Crimson created a weekly sports section, the goal was to produce the go-to source for Harvard sports news each Monday. Today’s world is very different from the one that saw the creation of the Monday section. Box scores from almost any intercollegiate competition are accessable at a whim, often immediately after the contest concludes.

You can now expect to see full stories with pictures and other multimedia content online the same day as the game takes place. Many times, that content will go online throughout the game, before the final buzzer sounds or the field clears.

Our time and energy will now be shifted away from creating the print product and instead toward larger-scale projects to ensure that the biggest stories in Harvard sports receive the attention, in print and online, that they deserve.


All of that said, the printed paper will still play a large role in our mission going forward. Each Monday, we will provide stories from the most recent, important, and exciting weekend games. We will also continue to print a page in the other four days a week.

The decision to eliminate the sports section was not made lightly, but we felt it was a necessary one. The weekly creation of an exclusively print product has become a misallocation of resources for this organization in this time. A shift in our focus allows The Crimson to continue to serve as your go-to source for Harvard sports news.

—Sports Chairs Jacob D. H. Feldman and Alexander Koenig can be reached at

