List-servs We Wish We Were On

The Harvard Computer Society keeps archives of all College list-servs, including their names as well as the emails exchanged through them. Many of these archives are only accessible to members of the lists themselves, but plenty of them are wide open. Let that sink in for a moment. Remember that email full of Spider-Man gifs you sent across your dorm list freshman year? It’s accessible until the end of time. And that’s just the beginning of what FM found. We now know your secrets.

If there’s anything Dean Hammonds has taught us, it’s that Harvard emails can end up in anybody’s hands. The Harvard Computer Society keeps archives of all College list-servs, including their names as well as the emails exchanged through them. Many of these archives are only accessible to members of the lists themselves, but plenty of them are wide open. Let that sink in for a moment. Remember that email full of Spider-Man gifs you sent across your dorm list freshman year? It’s accessible until the end of time. And that’s just the beginning of what FM found. We now know your secrets.

Pretty much every blocking group list is a variation on the awesome/epic theme. KirklandEpicEight. Team-awesome. Teamawesome. Teama1awesome. Teamawesomexy. But this one tells it like it is: there can be no other. This group also has 0 members. Themostepic.

Its description reads: “Ever come to Lamont looking forward to a busy night of cramming, only to find a sad shortage of window cubicles? Ever come to Lamont needing a social work space, resign yourself to being alone, and only in the morning realize that your bestest friend was only two floors above you the whole time? This is the list for you.”

The most unfortunate name for a Hurlbut list ever, but it’s been going strong since 2009.

A small contingent of the Student Astronomers at Harvard Radcliffe (STAHR) formed this list in 2012 for the express purpose of claiming the pun. It contains some intense discussion of lightsaber battles. Enlightening stuff.

Really? This is what you named the foosball list? Really?

I love the The Nostalgics. You love The Nostalgics. We all love The Nostalgics. But currently nobody is on the Nostalgics-fans list! This is a tragedy. Sign us up! Also, dear Nostalgics, get on iTunes so we can buy your songs.

Made for ES181 students. Engineering Thermodynamics has never been tastier.

“Wingpeople, unite!”

Waffle support groups: a necessary part of any American university. One member proudly proclaims, “Dear all, I am proud to be welcomed into this esteemed group. May the glory of Eggo waffles live on now and forever.”

A small group of 2012 Kirkland seniors formed this group with the express purpose of extending the senior drinking schedule. Six months of bars in Cambridge just didn’t cut it.  Because let’s be honest, “Senior Bar doesn’t pick up until HY in November.”