
Students React to 7-Eleven's Departure

Many students expressed dismay in response to 7-Eleven’s anticipated departure from Harvard Square this fall, when they will make way for a new branch of the Boston burger restaurant, Tasty Burger.

The 7-Eleven has been a staple of Harvard Square since 1998, when it first opened at the corner of JFK and Mount Auburn Streets. Since then, the minimart has provided late night snacks and beverages to over a decade of Harvard students.

“I have a sentimental attachment,” Conrad I. Shock ’15 said, who first bought food at 7-Eleven during his pre-orientation weekend.

“That’s where I get my cheap, disgusting coffee when I’m writing a paper,” Brian K. Mwarania ’15 said. He listed cheap soda, mixers, and chips “with that disgusting artificial cheese” as essential foods he would miss from 7-Eleven.

Students also mentioned the convenience store’s trademark slurpees and one-dollar donuts.


“Their slurpees will definitely be missed,” Eric A Zuckerman ’15 said.

But several students said they were apathetic at the impending departure of 7-Eleven. With CVS only a few blocks away, many said that they would continue to use CVS as their convenience store of choice.

Only one student interviewed for this article said she was happy to see 7-Eleven leave the Square.

“I’m not gong to miss it,” Mandi Nyambi ’15 said. “Their food is really gross.”

Nyambi said she is excited for the arrival of Tasty Burger, which she considers a healthier and better tasting choice. In particular, she said she hopes that the restaurant would shorten lines in other burger restaurants in the Square.

“It’s cool that we have so many options,” Nyambi said.

However, some students remain skeptical.

“Do we really need another burger place in Harvard Square?” said Mwarania, who listed burger restaurants, such as Flat Patties, Bartley’s and b.good, as comparable alternatives. Indeed, Jimmy P. Biblarz ’14 said that he would prefer a restaurant that served new or unique food in Harvard Square, as opposed to another burger or burrito restaurant.

“Eww, I hate that chain. It’s all over Boston,” he said. “We need more vegetarian places!”

“The general sentiment is boo, boo, boo,” Mwarania added.

“Competition is always good, but I’d prefer a 7-Eleven,” Zuckerman said.

—Staff writer Laura K. Reston can be reached at

