
Young Woman Trespasses in Eliot

The young woman who was arrested on Sunday night for trespassing in the Lowell dining hall returned to Harvard’s campus and was found in an Eliot House bathroom on Tuesday morning.

Eliot House Master Gail A. O’Keefe sent an email to Eliot residents informing them of the incident on Tuesday.

In her email, O’Keefe stated that the woman was found after reportedly having spent the night in a bathroom in Eliot.

Following the issuance of a no trespass warning when the 17-year-old woman visited Gund Hall, Weld Hall, and Leverett House, she was escorted from Harvard property three more times in the past week. Lowell House Master Diana L. Eck also said in an email to her House that the young woman is suspected of stealing.

According to the Harvard University Police Department police log, the woman was arrested in the Lowell dining hall on Sunday night. In an email to Lowell House residents on Monday afternoon, Eck said that the woman returned again on Monday and was escorted away from Harvard property.


“Residential staff are familiar with the individual and have been instructed to call the HUPD immediately upon witnessing her on University property,” according to an email from HUPD spokesperson Steven G. Catalano.

Catalano wrote that HUPD “does not feel that the woman in question poses a threat to the campus.”

O’Keefe reiterated Catalano’s sentiment, saying that she did not believe the young woman “poses a threat to [students’] personal safety.” However, she still encouraged Eliot residents to be more cautious when entering buildings and to question people who may try to follow them into residential buildings.

—Staff writer Julia K. Dean can be reached at


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