Scoped!: William S. Murphy '13

In 15 years you are: trying to reclaim the soul I lost to the corporate world. Kidding. Not kidding.

House: Quincy

Concentration: Human Evolutionary Biology

Hometown: Brookline, Mass.

Ideal date: A leisurely autumn bike ride to a Boston coffee shop

What you look for in a girl/guy: A healthy sense of whimsy

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Throwing pots in the Quincy House ceramics studio

Your best pickup line: “Heeeeeeeeey sexy lady!” Sixty percent of the time, it works. Sometimes.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Yeah, it’s just like “The Social Network.”

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Really good piece of advice: throw away all of your socks and buy 50 identical pairs.

Favorite childhood activity: Pokémon Blue for Game Boy Color

Sexiest physical trait: A nice, big brain

Best part about Harvard: My friends

Worst part about Harvard: Everyone else

Describe yourself in three words: Feisty. Succulent. Peach.

In 15 minutes you are: thinking of wittier answers

In 15 years you are: trying to reclaim the soul I lost to the corporate world. Kidding. Not kidding.