Couples Quiz: Cullen D. McAlpine '11 and Mackenzie J. Lowry '11

Cullen D. McAlpine ’11 was introduced to Mackenzie J. Lowry ’11 at a birthday party freshman year, and he immediately ...

Cullen D. McAlpine ’11 was introduced to Mackenzie J. Lowry ’11 at a birthday party freshman year, and he immediately positioned himself next to her. After briefly dating later that year, the twosome became a couple again as seniors (also this year, Lowry was named one of Glamour Magazine’s “Top 10 College Women,” earning the moniker “The Politician”). However, Mary E. Miller ’11, Lowry’s best friend since sophomore year, claims to know Lowry best. Miller says the two share not only extracurricular activities but also their hopes and dreams. FM caught up with the trio and evaluated the power balance. Who knows the girl better: the boyfriend or the best friend?

The Girl: Mackenzie J. Lowry ’11

The Boyfriend: Cullen D. McAlpine ’11

The Best Friend: Mary E. Miller ’11

1. What’s her sexiest trait?

Boyfriend: The whole package

Best Friend: Her eyes

Girl: Sense of humor

2. Where does she go when she’s feeling down?

Boyfriend: J.P. Licks

Best Friend: Call family and friends

Girl: Wherever Cullen is

3. What’s the most embarrassing thing she’s done at Harvard?

Boyfriend: Date me

Best Friend: Date me (joking)

Girl: Date Cullen

4. What’s the first thing about her that caught the boyfriend’s eyes?

Boyfriend: Her smile

Best Friend: She’s a very real person. What you see is what you get.

Girl: My blonde hair

5. In 15 years, she will be ...

Boyfriend: Happy with kids and a wonderful job

Best Friend: President

Girl: Happily married with kids and a fulfilling career

6. What’s her biggest pet peeve?

Boyfriend: My indecisiveness in the relationship

Best Friend: Flakiness

Girl: Flakiness

7. What’s one thing about the boyfriend that annoys her?

Boyfriend: My commitment issues

Best Friend: He looks like he could be her brother.

Girl: His strangest eating habits and the bizarre combinations of food that he eats, like cottage cheese and tuna.

8. What’s one thing about her that annoys other people?

Boyfriend: Her refusal to go hunting squirrels with me

Best Friend: She’s pretty much perfect.

Girl: I show up late sometimes.

9. What’s her favorite “comfort food”?

Boyfriend: Anything on the J.P. Licks menu

Best Friend: Coffee

Girl: Marshmallow fluff

10. What’s her favorite cheesy romantic gesture?

Boyfriend: Saying “I love you” all day

Best Friend: Cullen embarrassing himself for her benefit

Girl: Tiffany

11. If she had $1 million right now, what would she do with it?

Boyfriend: Take her parents on a vacation and then invest it

Best Friend: Donate to charity

Girl: Give it to Mikey’s Way Foundation (a charity that helps children suffering life-threatening illnesses)

12. What reality TV show would she go on?

Boyfriend: America’s Next Top Model

Best Friend: The Bachelorette

Girl: Beauty and the Geek, as the geek

13. What’s her hidden talent?

Boyfriend: Makeup

Best Friend: Her ability to go on zero sleep

Girl: Calligraphy

14. Which excuse does she use most frequently?

Boyfriend: Sorry, that went way longer than expected!

Best Friend: Sorry for partying.

Girl: I’m working on my thesis.

15. Which Disney princess would she be?

Boyfriend: Cinderella. She’s the one who lost her shoes, right?

Best Friend: Belle

Girl: Little Mermaid