

A Trip to Tibet

Obama deserves praise for committing to meet with the Dalai Lama

Last week, President Obama agreed to a meeting that set presses running around the world. His controversial decision to speak with the Dalai Lama generated anger and threats from China. However, despite this vehement response, Obama’s choice to stick by his word and meet with the Tibetan spiritual leader was an admirable one. We agree with the president that the United States should not acquiesce to China’s demands.

On his trip last year, Obama announced to China that he would meet with the Dalai Lama. He then declined to meet in October due to the Chinese government’s anger. These past four months, however, did not signal an attitude change on the part of the Chinese government. The country’s resistance to climate change negotiations and refusal to float its currency remain large concerns for the United States. Since ignoring the Dalai Lama has not been effective in establishing a more bilateral relationship with the Chinese government, it is no longer in the United States’ interest to avoid dialogue with Tibet in hopes of pleasing China.

We recognize the economic security that the Chinese government has provided the United States during this recession and understand that China remains our largest creditor. Thus, Obama must be mindful of how his meeting will be portrayed by the media; it would be prudent for him to choose his words carefully.

While China has the potential to act vindictively and refuse to cooperate with the United States in light of the Dalai Lama visit, there is no reason for the meeting to impact the two countries’ economic and environmental conversations. The Chinese government should not conflate these separate issues.

Obama’s recent Nobel Prize, coupled with the Dalai Lama’s moral leadership, should propagate robust ways in which to address the deplorable situation in Tibet. While the presidential visit does not aim to snub China and bring complete autonomy to Tibet, it does have great potential to create a dialogue about human rights violations in the area.  In the past year, Tibet has been a grand beneficiary of infrastructure programs from the Chinese government. While these efforts have helped bring homes to the region, Tibet still suffers numerous human-rights violations, ranging from torture to large numbers of missing people. Obama has a responsibility to bring these issues to the international community, and meeting with the Dalai Lama is the first step in this direction.


For too long, the United States has been yielding to the Chinese government with regards to the issue of ethnic minorities and human rights. Last year, Hillary Clinton even stated that addressing Chinese human rights couldn’t take precedent over other crises. This is simply not an acceptable diplomatic message to send, especially from a nation that prides itself on protecting freedom.  Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama is not just a formality; it sends a strong signal that human rights issues will be addressed, even if China demands otherwise.

