Move over, celebrities. Kindergartners are the new trend-setters. Scientists keep telling us lately how beneficial power naps are. Kindergartners have been doing it for years. The latest tyke trend to take hold on the college scene are the ingeniously simple pieces of rubber known collectively as Silly Bandz.

Your wrist used to just be that thing that kept your hand on your arm. Boring. Just drop a few buckz on a bag of Bandz and soon you’ll be boasting a boot, a bat, and a Bieber on your brazo (try and act like you’re not impressed by that alliteration.) I don’t care how old you are—that’s cool.

With Silly Bandz, you don’t have to get bogged down with the baggage that comes with so many of the other wrist accessories on the market. Rubber bands may be good luck, but Silly Bandz wearers make their own luck (apologies to Harvey Dent). Plus, as Boyz II Men, Ritz, and the alphabet have shown, things that end in "z" are just cooler.

Sure, LIVESTRONG bracelets fund much-needed cancer research. But Silly Bandz come in a wide variety of fun colors without the emotional strain that comes with helping to save lives. Power Balance bands may inexplicably increase your energy, balance, and focus despite just being a rubber strip on your wrist, but will they increase your social status and attractiveness like Silly Bandz? Child, please. Not to mention that having a pink T-Rex on your wrist has to be more beneficial for self-defense purposes.

Now, the makers of Silly Bandz have really tapped into their creativity and introduced lines of Silly Ringz and Silly Necklaces (not sure what happened to the "z" in that one). But, even with these new twists, nothing can beat the original. Count me in as head groupie of the Silly Bandz.