
Harvard Student Runs Bike Into Car, Sustains No Injuries, But Damages Vehicle

A Harvard student riding his bike hit a car on the corner of Mill and Plympton Streets shortly after 5:30 p.m. last night, denting the door and smashing the rear passenger-side window.

“I was going, and I didn’t see him, and I side-swiped him,” said Aaron S. Goldin ’09, who lives in Winthrop House.

Goldin was not injured in the collision.

The driver, Vadim Martirosov, said he was concerned about whether he would be compensated for the damage to his red Saab.

“He’s not insured apparently so I don’t know who’s going to pay for this,” he said. “I’m glad he’s liable—I’ll tell you that.”

Martirosov said Goldin “smashed the glass real good”—glass shards were strewn about the car and got stuck in the gear shift, preventing him from shifting gears and driving the car.

“I don’t know what to do with it now,” said Martirosov, who was on his way to meet up with friends. “It probably has to be towed because I’m not going to drive it like this.”

Jean J. Baptise, the Cambridge Police Department officer conducting the accident report, said Goldin will be cited for failing to yield, an infraction that carries a minor fine.

Two fire trucks arrived at the scene of the accident, but were quickly dismissed.

—Staff writer Alexandra Perloff-Giles can be reached at 
