Hate it: Diamond Magazine

Porno, sports, politics...the ideal mixture for a men’s magazine, right? Well, if we’re talking about Diamond magazine, the answer is

Porno, sports, politics...the ideal mixture for a men’s magazine, right? Well, if we’re talking about Diamond magazine, the answer is a resounding no. Diamond attempts to cover everything from eroticism to football predictions to movie reviews, but fails to really cover anything at all­—including editor-in-chief Matt di Pasquale’s ’09 hair-carpeted bod.

Not only does the magazine include several nudie shots of the editor (pages 33 and 37 for frontal, 35 for a rear shot), but it also includes an interview with di Pasquale, conducted by... himself. Among other self-declarations in the interview, di Pasquale says, “I’m clean. I get tested four times a year. It’s free. And I use condoms.” Sweetie, don’t you think it would be easier to just place a personal ad somewhere?

The magazine’s first issue also includes an interview with a recent Harvard graduate named Fiona, who is introduced as being a refreshing change from the “smoking hot girl who’s actually half-retarded.” Fiona definitely proves this in her interview, in which she says, “...don’t tell anyone this...OMG, this is really dorky...but I’m also a certified Underwater Naturalist, which means I basically know all the names of the fish and stuff.”

OMG, Fiona, you’re so smart. And sexy, too, as shown in the multiple shots of the grad wearing relatively modest clothes (then what’s the point?), including a particularly disturbing one of her with a photoshopped-in tiger…fierce. Fiona explains that she chose to be in Diamond because she “wanted to do something fun and cool...something to spice things up...I wanted to graduate with a bang.” Obviously, di Pasquale did too. (Has it worked yet, Matt?)

In his interview, the editor-cum-model waxes, “everyone’s a porn star at heart! :) ” Hey, if it works for you, then keep telling yourself that, Matt. But really, what kind of self-respecting “journalist” actually uses smiley faces?