
HoCo Exhibits Green Gardening

HoCo sponsors an event promoting environmental gardening

Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth provided the soundtrack to a number of environmental activities last night as part of Lowell House’s first-ever Eco Project Night.

As part of the night’s activities, which were held in the Junior Common Room, the Lowell House Committee (HoCo) set up a table with miniature pots, potting soil, and blue and white bags of flower seeds to promote supporting the environment through gardening. On the other side of the room, HoCo laid out a host of snacks, drinks, and cakes—all natural, of course—to enjoy during the movie.

The event also included an Eco-Month Clothing Swap with a designated box from which anyone could add or take clothes that would then be donated to the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter.

The last activity of the night was a “mug-rack painting,” where students contributed their personal design to a new mug-tree for the Lowell dining hall.

The HoCo-sponsored event was part of Lowell House’s Eco Month activities, which also include an “eco trivia night” and an “eco dinner,” according to Lowell HoCo Co-Chair Amanda K. Fields ’09.

Although Earth Day is not until April 22, Fields said that the HoCo and Lowell House Eco-Rep Susan E DeWolf ’10 decided not to wait.

“We wanted to do a whole month of eco activities,” Fields said.

DeWolf, who is also a Crimson photographer, said that Eco Night is part of Lowell’s continued dedication to winning the Green Cup, an inter-House competition for the College’s most environmentally-conscious House.

She added that Lowell won the Green Cup in 2007 and plans to defend its title this year.

“HoCo in Lowell House is amazing in their environmental efforts,” she said.
