
Top Five Things From The 1990s I'm Looking Forward to in '09

The Bush years have been pretty heinous on all counts. And though they composed the bulk of my formative years, I still have a few foggy memories of a brighter time in history. I think we’re all looking forward to getting back there. Here are just a few reasons why:

5. The Clintons: No elaboration really necessary; Bill and Hil are back and this time they’ve got nothing to lose.

4. The Economy...Psych!

3. No Doubt: Getting back together.

2. SNL: Seems like it is sucking less now, either because there’s actual funny stuff happening in the world or because there’s loads more really, really sad stuff. Also, there’s that “Jizz in my Pants” video.

1. Caring: I literally could not give less of a shit right now. See you in the New Year!

(Rodriguez out)

—Nayeli E. Rodriguez is the outgoing Features Editor. She probably reads too many blogs.
