
Top Five Movies the Title Tricked You Into Seeing

In 2008, Hollywood witnessed a growing trend toward esoteric movie titles. For film enthusiasts, this proved tricky—one risked sitting through two hours of a movie that was a bit unexpected, to say the least. In most of the following cases, you (and I) were sorely disappointed.

1. “Pineapple Express”

Sounds Like: An intense political drama about the United Fruit Company.

Actual: Another stoner bromance from Judd Apatow. There’s fruit in Slurpees, right?

2. “Synecdoche, New York”

Sounds Like: Er, a movie about every seventh grader’s favorite poetry term? Wait, what is synecdoche? Am I thinking of metonymy?

Actual: A movie directed by Charlie Kaufman, written by Charlie Kaufman, about Charlie Kaufman.

3. “Milk”

Sounds Like: It does a body good.

Actual: Gay characters were out of the closet; now they’re out of the tent and running for the Board of Supervisors. It does a political body good!

4. “Changeling”

Sounds Like: A science fiction thriller about a giant people-eating bug.

Actual: Angelina Jolie makes another Oscar bid after being passed over for “A Mighty Heart.”

5. “Quantum of Solace”

Sounds Like: No freakin’ clue.

Actual: No freakin’ clue—except that Bond doesn’t sleep with the girl.

—Claire J. Saffitz is outgoing Movies Editor. She has even less purpose than Josh.
