


You won’t see no bra-bearing, booty-shakin’ video hos in this one. But fear not; Weezer’s latest video is still just as attention grabbing, even without the scantily clad women. Rather, Weezer has gathered a host of extras to help out in their latest video endeavor and break a total of five Guinness World Records.

Whilst Rivers Cuomo ’99-’06 tells us about his troublemaking past, the motley crew of video extras engage in a broad range of slightly perplexing activities. Watch in awe and disgust as they pour giant industrial-sized vats of chunky processed nacho cheese on chips in a trough in the shape of the Weezer logo.

But the trough of nachos is far from their greatest feat. Check out how 233 people come together to thrash in largest air guitar ensemble ever seen. Stare in curiosity as Weezer’s Pat Wilson jams on the world’s smallest drum kit (although this record has yet to be confirmed by Mr. Guinness). Then peep 22 people perch precariously on a gigantic skateboard. Watch some hardcore gamers go through a grueling 10 hour, 12 minute, and 54 second Guitar Hero World Tour Marathon (you don’t get to watch the whole thing—thank God) and feel free to chuckle at the girl who gets nailed in the face during the 100-person game of dodgeball.

The video culminates in a custard pie fight of epic proportions. One hundred twenty people take up pies and fight in the name of Weezer and for the honor of participating in a world record-breaking event. My only question is who on earth set the original record for this and why?

But congrats to Weezer. Breaking records and the mold. See, you don’t need no video hos bustin’ out of their tops to make an interesting video. Only some dedicated fans busting world records.

—Erika P. Pierson
