

Get Well, Dean Knowles

The Interim FAS Dean’s presence will be missed

It was with great sadness that we learned that Houghton Professor of Chemistry and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Jeremy R. Knowles had abruptly stepped down from the deanship for health reasons. Knowles has been a strong presence on campus—be it in the lab, the classroom, or University Hall—for three decades, 11 of them as dean and as interim dean for the past nine months. In that time, he has built up a reputation for strong, yet understated leadership.

It is no secret that this page has disagreed with Knowles on matters of policy and priorities. But despite those differences, we know that he has always acted with Harvard’s best interests in mind. His tact, his wit, and his sense of judgment have always been valued, and the level of care he brought to the deanship will not be forgotten.

Knowles’ absence is particularly difficult at this uncertain time, when many of the initiatives he has spearheaded, from the curricular review to FAS budgetary and hiring strategy, are still in limbo. We hope to see him well enough to take up his traditional role on commencement morning and watch his projects come to fruition in the fall.
