Springtime: Open Bars, High Spirits

the kirkland house formal Most likely the K-House formal will be the old standby: a tent in the courtyard. Musical

the kirkland house formal

Most likely the K-House formal will be the old standby: a tent in the courtyard. Musical entertainment will be supplied by live Kirkland musical performers and a rockin’ DJ. “In Kirkland House we don’t need chocolate fountains to have a good time” House Committee (HoCo) Chair Anna M. F. McCallie ’08 says.

Verdict: (Incestuously) HOT.

The Mather House Formal

Standard courtyard, classy dress-up deal. They got rid of the tent this year in an effort to save money and make it more of a classy evening garden affair, and less of a sweaty college party. With the extra cash, they’re looking to invest in a champagne fountain and impressive floral arrangements.

Verdict: No Lather, so inherently NOT.

The Lowell Bacchanalia

With two of Harvard’s most beautiful courtyards, Lowell has a major venue advantage. Lowell plans to put a swing band and a salsa band in each, in addition to a DJ in the dining hall. “In Vino Veritas!”

Verdict: Whatever.

The Eliot Fete

As Ben Folds said at Yardfest ’06, “Eliot House really sucks.” Each year, the United States Secret Service swoops in to protect Eliot House, its elitist residents and their personal swipe-gate from curious outsiders. No one knows the truth about what happens inside, but if any Eliot dude is looking for a date, feel free to let me know.

Verdict: Guilty.

The Dunster House Formal

A few days after the Dunster Goat Roast (kegs, dunk tank, moon bounce, American gladiator, goat carcass) is the D-house Formal. There will be an ice sculpture of a moose, and according to HoCo Chair Avery A. Cavanah ’08 “[they] are actually going to spend a lot more money [this year] and make it really sick.” We would believe her, but Dunsterites also tell us that their dining hall makes up for the walkthrough triples.

Verdict: Cold sushi, warm formal.

The Cabot House Prom!

This year Cabot is taking it all the way back to high school with the Cabot Prom! There will be a champagne reception in Cabot and then the Prom will take place at The Queen’s Head Pub. “It’s very campy, very fun, and in the Cabot tradition, very college-y. We’re trying something completely new and different.” says Cabot HoCo Co-Chair Ajay G. Kumar ’08. Kumar and company will be providing the teen angst, but bring your own virginity.

Verdict: Totally bitchin’.