
Police Log

Mar. 4
12:13 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to 1 Western Avenue to take a report of a group of skate boarders in the area. The officers arrived and report that the group is gone on arrival.

3:03 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to Kirkland House A entry to take a report of a group of skate boarders in the area. The officers arrived and report that the group is gone on arrival.

Mar. 5
8:59 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to Holden Green to take a report of suspicious activity. The officers arrived and spoke with the reporting party who stated that after turning on their furnace they smelt cigarette smoke. The officers checked the basement and observed a sleeping bag, blankets, various clothing items, alcohol bottles, and a cardboard box that contained cigarette butts. HRES was notified and arrived on scene. The officers checked the basement doors and found them to be unsecured. HRES secured the doors and will return to clean the area.

10:28 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to Soldiers Field Park to take a report of a stolen red velvet jewelry bag valued at $20 that contained a silver tennis bracelet valued at $2,000, a gold & pearl bracelet valued at $100, a pair of white crystal earrings valued at $50, a pair of 14-karat gold earrings valued at $100, a copper and crystal Swarovski earring and necklace set valued at $300, a gold and brown crystal necklace valued at $100, and a silver and gold watch valued at $150.

Mar. 7
1:45 a.m.—Officers were dispatched to Quincy House A entry to take a report of an individual who evaded a fare and reportedly smashed a window. The officers arrived and spoke to the reporting party who stated that they dropped an individual off when the individual fled from the cab without paying. The reporting party stated that they then observed the individual push another individual through a window and then climb through the window. The reporting party stated they observed an individual lying on the ground as the suspect fled the area. The officers observed the broken window and an identification card on the ground. The officers located the individual, who was pushed through the window, by their identification card, and they were transported via ambulance to a medical facility. Operations was notified to clean up the damage to the window. The other individual was not located.

2:16 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to Holden Green 217 to take a report of an individual possibly living in the building. The officers checked the basement and observed a sleeping bag and alcohol bottles. HRES was notified to clean the area.

4:00 p.m.—An Officer was dispatched to Cabot House I entry to take a report of property damage. The officer arrived and reports a sprinkler head burst causing flooding in the building and water damage. The fire group, Unicco, and FMO were notified and responded to the scene. The officer reports the building was then deemed safe for re-entry.

Mar. 8
2:21 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Brattle St. to take a report of an unattended knife observed on the sidewalk. The officer arrived and searched the area for the knife with negative results.

Mar. 9
7:35 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to Strauss Hall B entry to take a report of an attempted theft. The officers arrived and observed that a door in the basement had been smashed open. FMO was notified and arrived to secure the door. It is unknown at this time if anything has been stolen.

Mar. 10
3:49 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to 1 Western Avenue to take a report of skate boarders in the area. The officer arrived, located two individuals skateboarding and a field interview was conducted. Each individual was run for wants/warrants with negative results and sent on their way with a trespass warning for all of Harvard University property.

5:26 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to 1 Western Avenue to take a report of a group of individuals skateboarding in the area. The officer arrived and sent the individuals on their way.

Mar. 11
6:27 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to 1 Western Avenue to take a report of a group of individuals skateboarding in the area. The officer arrived and reported that the group was gone on arrival.

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