

We Should Promote A Different Student Image

To the editors:

I was rather disappointed after reading today’s front page piece “For Some, Final Free Exam Period” (Jan. 22). I am primarily annoyed with the portrayal of Stebbins as the stereotypical Harvard student who is unable to think or talk about anything but her schoolwork. While there is a sizable population of students who really cannot talk about anything else, there are also many of us who, by some bizarre stroke of luck or imagination, manage to go to class and do our schoolwork while still cultivating friendships whose bases extend far beyond mutual self-absorbed commiseration. I also did not sit for any final exams this semester, but, after finishing my work early in the month, I was somehow able to come up with more interesting things to do than force “meaningful” conversations on busy, so-called close friends.

Promoting the frequently portrayed image of the Harvard student as overstressed, self-involved, and unable to naturally cultivate relationships does not set a good example for either group: Those who fall prey to personal stress and procrastination or those of us who have discovered how to lead normal lives while doing (nearly) as much work as everyone else.


Cambridge, Mass.

January 23, 2007
