

Chile Program Deserves More Students

To the editors:

Re: “No Students in Santiago for Spring Semester,” news, Feb. 5.

I write in response to the shocking and unfortunate news that no Harvard undergraduates will be studying in Chile this spring, and I strongly encourage my fellow students to do so. I cannot praise enough Harvard’s regional office in Santiago, whose phenomenal staff are absolutely committed to those of us who travel to their long, thin country to study, live, and work. Last summer, thanks to David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies’s (DRCLAS) Summer Internship Program, I lived with a local family and interned at an orphanage in the south of the city. It was truly the most exciting and wonderful experience I have ever had.

It is a travesty that no students will be experiencing Chile this spring, but this disappointing truth should in no way discourage my peers from traveling to Chile this summer and next year. I will be more than happy to meet and discuss my fabulous time in Chile with anyone interested.


Cambridge, Mass.

February 5, 2007
