Daily Double: Sex and Chocolate

Kosher sausage—an oxymoron? Think again. Hillel hosted “Kosher Sex: The Game Show” in Adams Lower Common Room (LCR) on Monday

Kosher sausage—an oxymoron? Think again.

Hillel hosted “Kosher Sex: The Game Show” in Adams Lower Common Room (LCR) on Monday as part of the week’s Jewbilation festivities. Done in Jeopardy-fashion, the trivia game tapped into potentially touchy areas, including the category “I ‘Know’ You Biblical Relations.”

“We really thought it was important to have an event like this because Judaism has a lot to say about these issues,” says contestant Ari Hoffman ’10.

But the underwhelming attendance—a mere 13—seemed to indicate that it wasn’t a priority for many Hillel members. Nevertheless, organizers were not disappointed.

“Any time you can get people to come on a weeknight to discuss religion, it’s a good turnout,” says Rabbi Ethan Linden, advisor to Hillel’s Student Conservative Minyan and host of the game show. And after all, “Jeopardy” can only get three people to play.

Although the game was not competitive, contestants with correct answers were rewarded with thematic—albeit aseasonal—Dove Valentine’s Day chocolates. To score the sweets, participants had to answer questions on topics ranging from Jewish Internet dating to the circumstances in which birth control can be used.

“According to Jewish law, only the man is required to be fruitful and multiply,” said Linden, inferring that free UHS condoms are off the menu, but women are free to pick up the slack on their end.

Like most Harvard conversations, the game focused extensively on masturbation and menstruation. A note to prospective traditional Jewish married couples: physical distance is required during that monthly period of impurity. Ignoring this rule can lead to stained sheets, as well as reputations.

Despite impending midterms and problem sets, the game’s contenders participated earnestly and with enthusiasm.

“It’s not horrible if there’s fun and candy involved,” reasons Linden. That’s what she said.