

Women Considering Abortion Must Be Given Options

To the editors:

Re: “Abortion: A Product of Its Times,” op-ed, Sep. 13.

Although I abhor analyses that are grounded in social darwinism, I do agree with one of N. Kathy Lin’s insights, namely, that the way to abolish abortion is to create a world in which women are not driven to abort their children because of socioeconomic considerations. Banning abortion through statutes will not change the fact that women feel trapped by the burden of unwanted pregnancies. I sincerely believe that the only way we can abolish abortion is to give women with unwanted pregnancies a real choice to keep their child. We each can do this by refusing to view women with unwanted pregnancies as stupid, irresponsible, and therefore undeserving of mercy or charity; by treating them like worthwhile people who deserve our time, attention, and resources; and by helping women with unwanted pregnancies to shoulder the financial and emotional burden of carrying a baby to term.

I know of at least one program in Boston that seeks to achieve those goals. A Woman’s Concern (a faith-based Christian organization) works to provide financial, medical, emotional, and spiritual support for women with unplanned pregnancies in the hope that they will choose to carry their child to term. I hope other individuals and organizations in and outside of Harvard work toward the same goal.


September 14, 2006

The writer is a student at Harvard Extension School.
