
College #2 Dean to Take 'Leave of Absence'

O'Brien was reportedly choice of Summers, not Gross

To: "House Masters"
From: Benedict Gross
Subject: Announcement

Dear Colleagues:

I write with the news that Pat O'Brien will be taking a personal leave of absence from the College, effective August 1, 2006.

Pat accomplished a remarkable amount in her two years as Deputy Dean. Working closely with me, Pat recruited a talented staff and led the senior staff in developing common goals and priorities. The current initiatives to create better student programs and community space - from the cafe in Lamont, to the student organization center in Hilles, to the pub in Loker Commons - would never have advanced without her efforts. Pat was also instrumental in establishing the new Office for Advising Programs, the on-line registration and enrollment systems, and the funding for the new summer programs in science and engineering.

During her leave, Pat will continue to serve in the role as Co-Master of Currier House with her husband, Joe Badaracco.

I am grateful for her dedicated service to our students and faculty. The College will miss her.

Benedict H. Gross
Leverett Professor of Mathematics
Dean of Harvard College
