
The Magic of Numbers

Statistics tell the story of a year

$26.5 million: Amount that Harvard has agreed to pay the U.S. government to settle a lawsuit alleging that economics professor Andrei Shleifer ’82 defrauded a federal agency.

825: Number of one-year full-tuition scholarships that Harvard could have awarded to undergraduates with the money it spent settling the Shleifer suit.

$2 million: Amount that Shleifer will pay the U.S. government to settle the same lawsuit.
$3 billion: Amount invested in Bracebridge Capital, the hedge fund run by Shleifer’s wife, according to comments she made at an April 2006 University of Chicago conference.

$1 million to $2 million: Amount that Jonathan R. Hay, Shleifer’s former assistant, will pay the U.S. government to settle the aforementioned lawsuit.

$163,333: Average base salary of a fourth-year associate at a London law office, according to Hay joined the London office of the firm Cleary Gottlieb in 2002 and remained listed on the firm’s website as of this past February.

16: Number of deans and vice presidents who report directly to the University president.

0: Number of those deans and vice presidents who are of black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American descent.

250,000: Approximate number of website hits on on Tuesday, Feb. 21, the day that University President Lawrence H. Summers announced his resignation, according to internal tracking statistics.

1,950,000: Approximate number of website hits on on Tuesday, Apr. 25, at the height of the plagiarism scandal surrounding student novelist Kaavya Viswanathan ’08.

$21.95: Price of “How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life,” by Viswanathan, at the time it was released by publishing house Little, Brown and Company.

$62.76: Average price listed for a used copy of Viswanathan’s novel on at the end of May, after the book was recalled by Little, Brown.

$16,000: Amount that the Undergraduate Council spent on its 2005 Springfest Afterparty.

200: Approximate number of students who attended the Afterparty.

$80: Amount spent per attendee at Afterparty.

$75: Annual per-student term-bill surcharge that the Undergraduate Council requests.

53: Average age of outgoing President Summers and Faculty Dean William C. Kirby. Summers is 51; Kirby is 55.

73.5: Average age of the incoming University President Derek C. Bok and Faculty Dean Jeremy R. Knowles. Bok is 76; Knowles is 71.

62: Approximate age of Charles Chauncy, Harvard’s second president, at the time he took office in 1654. Before Bok, no incoming Harvard president was older than 62 at the time of his installation.

3: Number of degrees awarded to undergraduates by the Statistics Department last year.

13: Number of faculty members in the Statistics Department.

584: Number of students enrolled in “Introduction to African and African American Studies” in fall 2001, the last time that Cornel R. West ’74 taught the course.

34: Number of students enrolled in “Introduction to African and African American Studies” in fall 2005, when Senior Vice Provost Evelynn M. Hammonds taught the course.

9th out of 325: Cambridge’s rank among all Massachusetts school districts in overall per-pupil spending for the 2004 fiscal year, the most recent period for which comparative data is available. The city’s per-pupil spending totalled $16,116, compared to a state average of $8,591.

253rd out of 278: Cambridge’s rank among school districts statewide on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System’s 10th grade English test in spring 2005; 56 percent of students received grades of “needs improvement” or “warning/failing.” Statewide, 36 percent of students received “needs improvement” or “warning/failing” grades on the exam.