

Da Vinci Code Is Fiction; Fiction Shouldn’t Offend

To the editors:

Re: “Long, Hot Summer Flicks,” arts, May 4.

“The Da Vinci Code” was premiered in Cannes, France on Wednesday. We have been treated to delightful stories of Christians planning boycotts, disruptions of screenings, and even hunger strikes. Right now, there is a protest being staged in Boston Commons over it. Apparently the protesters are taking offense to the fact that the plot claims that Jesus married Mary Magdelene and had kids.

I am a Roman Catholic. I was an alter boy. I play the organ regularly for church services. I go to mass every Sunday. And I find nothing offensive about “The Da Vinci Code.” I remember being engrossed when I read the book, staying up late into the night, repeatedly telling myself “Just one more chapter; just ten more pages.” I plan on seeing the film, and I plan on enjoying it.

Why can’t people just enjoy the movie (and the book) for what it is: an enthralling piece of fiction. Neither Dan Brown, the author of the book, nor Ron Howard, the director of the film, claim to purvey anything more than that. Fiction. For those who have forgotten, fiction means “pretend,” i.e. not worth hunger-striking over.

People with the penchant to boycott, disrupt, or hunger-strike should pick a more meaningful cause.


May 19, 2006
