

UC Termbill Fee Boycott Would Hurt Student Groups

To the editors:

I was very dismayed to read your call for students to protest the Undergraduate Council’s dilatory efforts at reform by opting out of the termbill fee (“Putting the U in UC,” editorial, May 12). While I fully support the views expressed in the rest of the article, and have been actively speaking out in favor of a two-committee UC, the target of a termbill protest would not be the UC, but innocent student groups and house committees. Many student groups, such as the Harvard College Democrats, derive a large part of their funding from the UC. Depriving them of this funding because of the UC’s deficiency would paralyze student groups. A call for a termbill boycott is not inconsequential and should not be heeded while there are other methods available for forcing reform.


May 12, 2006

The writer is vice president of the Harvard College Democrats.
