To the editors:
The article “Donor at Center of Artifacts Storm” (news, Apr. 6)
is certainly a relevant subject for Harvard, given its sponsorship of
the Shelby White-Leon Levy Fund for Archaeological Publication.
Whether or not the controversy is “a tempest in a teapot,” the
issues are clear. Professional standards of ethical behavior are how we
archaeologists explain to the world at large what archaeology is about.
They are precisely what separate us from collectors of unprovenanced
antiquities, both morally and scientifically. The trade in illicit
cultural property is increasing annually, with untold destruction of
historical context. All archaeologists have a professional
responsibility to bring to public attention those who countenance and
encourage looting by purchasing unprovenanced items in the market. The
antiquities market is deeply intertwined with other illegal activities,
not least of which is the financing of terrorists. When archaeologists
accept monies from the likes of Leon Levy and Shelby White, how are
they not implicated in such unethical behavior? How would their
association not be understood as condoning the destruction of the
record of the past?
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
April 6, 2006
The writer is chair of the department of classical and Near Eastern archaeology at Bryn Mawr College.
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