Two Harvard-affiliated researchers have discovered the function of a
unique protein which allows sperm to blast through the tough outer
layer of an unfertilized egg and which may be the target of a future
100 percent effective contraceptive.
By measuring the current that flows across the sperm’s plasma
membrane for the first time, Yuriy V. Kirichok and Betsy Navarro of the
Children’s Hospital in Boston, found that sperm have a unique ion
pathway. The discovery allowed Kirichok and Navarro to determine the
function of the cation channel of sperm (CatSper) and could potentially
lead to the development of new contraceptives designed to block the
According to David Clapham, Castaneda Professor of
Cardiovascular Research at Harvard Medical School and the principal
investigator of Kirichok’s lab, understanding the function of CatSper
can lead to the development of CatSper blockers to serve as
contraceptives. Hydra Biosciences, a biotech company co-founded by
Clapham, is already developing a drug that would specifically target
“CatSper is a wonderful target for contraceptives because it
is only in mature sperm,” Clapham wrote in an email. “And blocking its
function results in 100 percent infertility…for as long as the drug was
in the body”
When sperm are swimming far away from eggs, their flagella
beat steadily with sinusoidal motions. However, for fertilization to
occur, the sperm need to be hyper-activated. Hyper-activated sperm swim
with vigorous, whip-like motions that gives them the force they need to
penetrate the protective membrane of the eggs. Prior to Kirichock and
Navarro’s research, which was published in the February 9 issue of the
scientific journal Nature, the cause of this hyper-activation was
According to Kirichock, data on sperm physiology has long
suggested that ion channels located on the sperm’s plasma membrane
played a key role in determining sperm motility and sperm-egg
interactions, and scientists have been unsuccessfully trying to measure
the activity of those ion channels since 1985.
When Kirichok undertook the challenge in early 2004, “sperm
cells had a very bad reputation among physiologists,” he wrote in an
The sperm’s constant wriggling and rigid plasma membranes made
them difficult targets to study using the traditional patch-clamp
technique. The patch-clamp method uses a tiny pipette to delicately
rupture the plasma membrane of cells to measure the flow of electrical
According to Clapham, sperm were the last bastion of cells to resist patch-clamping.
Kirichok’s breakthrough came when he noticed a tiny bubble on
the sperm’s tail, near the head, which allowed him to patch-clamp the
sperm at that bubble.
“For us it was a bit like being the first to enter an ancient
sealed pyramid—as soon as you get in you don’t know exactly what you
will find, but you know it will be new and interesting,” Clapham wrote.
What they discovered was that sperm hyper-activation requires the current produced by CatSper.
First discovered by Clapham’s lab in 2001, the CatSper protein
is activated by the higher pH environment of the female cervix.
Activated CatSper allow calcium ions to flow into the sperm’s tail. The
calcium influx, measurable as an electrical current, alters the way the
flagella bends and hyper-activates the tail’s motor proteins. In
experiments, mice altered to lack the CatSper protein had weak swimming
sperm and were infertile.
“You could say CatSper is a kind of Viagra at the cellular level,” Clapham wrote.
—Staff writer Xianlin Li can be reached at
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