
Ten Fashion Trends to Avoid

1. Skinny jeans: Clearly, we were not all created equal.

2. Menswear: If we make fun of “mandles” and “murses,” we should stay away from menswear. Nobody likes the double standard.

3. Leggings worn without a long shirt: That’s just called spandex, not fashion.

4. White tights: No one wants to be the next Alice in Wonderland.

5. Ankle boots: Tuck the pants in or out? You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t.

6. Pants under dresses: See Rebecca M. Harrington’s column.

7. Leopard print: Your Tarzan fetish is better left in the private sphere.

8. Knit dresses: There is never an excuse to wear a sock as a dress. Never.

9. Balloon skirts: It always looks as if your skirt is tucked in your panties.

10. Harvard Class of 2010 t-shirt: Enough said.

—Emily G. W. Chau ’08 is outgoing Arts Monday editor and incoming Campus Arts editor. She, unlike KMM, actually does love her DG sisters.
