GQ Was Only the Beginning

If you flip to page 314 of November’s GQ, you’ll be just one flip away from seeing a familiar face:

If you flip to page 314 of November’s GQ, you’ll be just one flip away from seeing a familiar face: that of Alex C. Math ’10.

At the end of his senior year of high school in Shaker Heights, Ohio, Math, now a freshman in Matthews, was interviewed and trailed by Devin Friedman, GQ’s senior writer and an alumnus of Shaker Heights High School.

And when a photographer showed up at his door to follow him and his prom date around for the evening, Math was excited about his newfound VIP status. “We had a limo, went out to dinner at a nice restaurant, and with the camera crew, we felt like we were the shit,” he says.

It appears, however, that Friedman and Math weren’t on the same page. In the article, Friedman wrote that Alex seemed “almost intimidated by the onslaught of flesh” from his girlfriend’s scandalous dress. Friedman described Math’s ladyfriend at the time—“leggy and blue-eyed with a low inhibition quotient”—as dressed like a prostitute for prom. Math does concede that “in that dress...yeah she did look like a slut.”

But Math does not agree with all of Friedman’s musings. “I don’t go to church and my dad is Jewish,” Math says, responding to the claim that he hails from “classic Shaker stock—good old-fashioned...Protestants.” In addition, Math says the claim that he peaked as a high school quarterback in GQ lacks veracity: “I’m at Harvard now. We have more status.”

And he’s in FM. Take that, yo.