
NEWS IN BRIEF: Trial of Harvard Square Store Owner, Facing Charges of Rape and Propogating Prostitution, Set to Begin

The trial of the Harvard Square salon and antique store owner charged with running a prostitution ring out of his Arrow Street establishment is slated to begin Nov. 27. On that date, the jury will be selected.

Owner of About Hair, Duncan W. Purdy, 52, who has pled not guilty to all charges, also faces rape charges. He will appear in court that same day for a pretrial conference regarding this second charge, according to Middlesex District Attorney spokeswoman Melissa Sherman.

Purdy was first arrested in early October of last year after an undercover sting operation by the Cambridge Police and Somerville Police departments disscovered that he was allegedly running a prostitution ring out of his store.

In March, Purdy was indicted on new charges that he allegedly raped a then-19-year-old customer in March 2004.

“I am not guilty of the charges,” he told The Crimson last spring. “I’ve been here for 20 years, and my whole life has been helping people. I have basically been a servant. I cut people’s hair.”
