To the editors:
In reference to the op-ed written by Jason Lurie a week ago ("The Ouster of Ian Nichols," May 20), I want to go on record saying that at no point was I threatened by ANYBODY into not running for Vice President of the Undergraduate Council. That claim was absolutely false.
Michael R. Blickstead 05, who is a friend of mine, sent me an e-mail telling me why he thought Clay Capp should be VP and why I should continue as treasurer. His e-mail concluded with asking me to give him a call if I needed help with recruiting next year. In no way is that a threat or pressure; nor did I interpret it as such. The only pressure on me was from various people (including many non-council members) e-mailing me and calling me telling me what they thought I should do. Furthermore I did not show that e-mail to Jason or anybody else and for some reason neither Jason nor The Crimson contacted me about it in which case I would have shot his claim down. I just wanted to clear this up because it falsely insinuates wrong-doing that never took place. I chose not to run off my own accord and I think Clay Capp will make an excellent VP.
Faraz Munaim '06
May 24, 2005
The writer is the treasurer of the Undergraduate Council.
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