Models took center stage on Friday night at the Bright Hockey Center for the annual Eleganza fashion show. The event was sponsored by BlackCAST and drew hundreds of attendees.
Two pairs of jeans and scattered rose petals were all that graced two female models in one of the hottest scenes of this year’s Eleganza fashion show, held Friday in the Bright Hockey Center.
Forty-six models strutted down a catwalk to pulsing hip-hop, showcasing lingerie, bathing suits, evening wear, and dancing prowess. The show, hosted by BlackCAST (Community and Student Theater), packed in a crowd of over 1,000 students.
“It’s really the only thing on campus that everyone comes together to partake in,” said Michael Beal ’06, one of the show’s executive producers.
Last year, the event was criticized by the faculty adviser of the Association of Black Harvard Women (ABHW) for being degrading to women.
“BlackCAST has always been about controversy,” Beal said. “But I think we managed to find that balance between raciness and respect.”
Beal said that although he wanted to maintain Eleganza’s traditional “raciness,” the producers kept some of last year’s criticism in mind when planning the event, discussing scenes with the president of ABHW to get more “black female voice.”
“I thought they toned it down a whole lot this year,” said Precious E. Eboigbe ’07, who attended the event last year, the first time it was held at the hockey rink. It had been held in Lowell Lecture Hall in previous years, but was moved to accommodate larger audiences.
Some proceeds from the show will go to the Center for Teen Empowerment, a Boston-based program that fosters relationships between students and adults to mobilize change in urban communities, according to Tessa C. Petrich ’07, one of the show’s executive producers.
This year’s program increased the emphasis on dancing and pop culture, featuring guest performances by the Black Men’s Forum, Expressions Dance Company, and the Caribbean Dance Troupe, among others, Petrich said.
“The whole show was kind of about an evolution of cultures coming together,” Beal said.
“I really thought it would be more modeling,” said Sequoia L. Taylor, a freshman at Wellesley College. “The dancing and music really does add to the show, but I think there should be more modeling next year.”
The models were chosen in January from 350 hopefuls and began practicing in earnest after intercession. During the two weeks leading up to the show, rehearsals were held four nights a week from seven p.m. to 11 p.m.
“People want to take part in Eleganza because it’s so fun,” said Sarah E. Johnson ’06, one of the show’s fashion directors. “It’s more than just the show. It’s the preparation and being backstage.”
“This year we really focused a lot more on choreography, dancing, interaction between models,” Petrich said. “We looked for who we knew could capture the audience.”
“I saw a lot of people who came up to me randomly and said I was great,” said Johnson, who said she saw the show as a pre-frosh and has modeled in each subsequent performance. “People have sent me e-mails telling me I’m their hero.”
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