
Maintenance Log

March 1

3:02 p.m.: Traps were set and a flue damper secured after a bird was reported in the chimney of Claverly Hall room 32.

6:29 p.m.: A strong sewage odor was reported near the forum and bathrooms of the first floor hallway in the Littauer Center of the Kennedy School of Government. A plumber was dispatched to fill all visible traps and floor drains with water.

March 4

4:34 p.m.: A ball hit the sprinklers on the second floor of Thayer Hall, setting them off and activating the fire alarm.


March 5

1:25 a.m.: A student vomited in a trash closet on the third floor of Comstock Hall of Pforzheimer House. A Unicco worker was contacted for the cleanup.

March 7

8:34 p.m.: A mouse was reported in the Cabot House kitchen. Traps were placed in the area.

March 8

9:47 a.m.: A passenger was stuck in an elevator on the tenth floor of an undisclosed location. The passenger was freed at 10:15, and the mechanic reported that the door was jammed shut by a small foreign object.

March 13

12:30 a.m.: A fire alarm was activated in Mather House; Cambridge Fire Department (CFD) and the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) were notified. It was determined that the alarm was caused by a fire extinguisher being discharged outside the common bathroom of the Junior Common Room near the kitchen. A Unnico worker was dispatched to clean the area.

8:44 p.m.: The television in the 17-2 common room of Baker Library was reported to not be working. An area operator was dispatched, who instructed the occupant on how to operate the television.

March 17

6:49 p.m.: Approximately 1 milliliter of Alpha P32 CTP, a hazardous material, was spilled on a workbench at the Sherman Fairchild Biochemical Laboratories. The spill was covered with a shield and arrangements were made to clean the material in the morning.

March 18

12:48 a.m.: A portable toilet was discovered to have been overturned on Linden Street. Area operators moved the toilet off of the street. Sani-Clean, who owns the toilet, was called and a message was left requesting that they right the unit.

March 21

4:34 p.m.: There was a small mercury spill in Science Center room 212. The area was cleaned up with a mercury spill kit.

March 25

1:44 a.m.: A fire alarm was activated in Dunster House; CFD and HUPD were notified. A fire mechanic determined that the alarm originated from the pull station outside of room F-12 due to vandalism.

March 28

12:37 a.m.: A cell phone fell into a toilet while it was being flushed in the third floor women’s bathroom of the Science Center. An area operator was dispatched but was unable to retrieve the phone.
