
Firm Hired to Help Find New Endowment Chief

An executive search firm will help find a replacement for Harvard Management Company president Jack R. Meyer, the University announced yesterday.

New York-based PrinceGoldsmith LLC is aiding in the search for a new chief for the management company, which [invests] Harvard’s $22.6 billion endowment.

PrinceGoldsmith has “extensive expertise” in recruiting investment managers, University spokeswoman Lucie McNeil wrote in an e-mail.

The steering committee leading the search interviewed several firms before settling on PrinceGoldsmith.

Firm principals Marilyn Prince and Joseph Goldsmith will head up the effort to find a replacement for Meyer.


Aside from yesterday’s announcement, the University is keeping mum about the search process.

Meyer said in January that he will leave the management company after serving as its president for 14 years.

He plans to start a private investment firm along with four Harvard fund managers, who are also leaving the management company this year.

Meyer is scheduled to depart at the end of the fiscal year, June 30, but says he will stay beyond that date if a replacement is not found by then.

Kicking off the search process, Harvard announced in January the creation of a steering committee composed of University President Lawrence H. Summers, other Harvard administrators, and management company board members. The body is also charged with reviewing the future structure of the management company.

