Those who marveled at the recent turn-around of Quincy Dining Hall will have a chance to see this well-windowed space this Saturday night in a mode quite different from its traditional tray-crammed status: the dining hall will become a runway, and the bright colors of General Gao’s chicken and Hawaiian punch will be replaced by an equally-splendid tapestry of student and professional design. Contradictions: A Charity Fashion Show will benefit Spheres of Exchange, the Boston branch of the non-profit Refugee Women’s Network, a group that “serves refugee and immigrant women through leadership training, education and advocacy.” The event is sponsored here at Harvard by AMBLE, Aspiring Minority Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs, who have worked to bring the designs of hot labels like Vivienne Tam, Shin Choi, Y&Kei, Joseph, Cibeline Sariano, and Keiko to Harvard. Producer Marin Kim ’06 says that “undergraduate student designers will have an opportunity to showcase their own work as well.” All of this will be strutted on the catwalk by hand-picked models from around the Harvard campus, which might prove to be enough reason to go in itself. For cross-cultural unity played out in cutting-edge fashion, there seems no better pick for Saturday night.
—Christopher A. Kukstis
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