
The Prying Game: UC Comedy Show

Following the high-profile Wyclef debacle, the UC Concert Commission changed their entertainment tactics this week by announcing a Sanders Theater stand-up comedy show. The Dec. 10 event will feature seven touring comics, including former SNL-er Kevin Brennan. Incredibly, the comedians will all be performing for free, with proceeds going to victims of the earthquakes in South Asia. This week, The Prying Game asked whether people cared about the show and what comics they’d bring if they’d had the chance.

Maya Frommer ’07

I love stand-up comedy; I download a lot of it. I’m in two Mitch Hedberg facebook groups and wish [the UC] could bring him here, except he’s dead. And Pablo Francisco—he’s fucking hilarious. When I was breaking up with my boyfriend, I kept using [Francisco’s line], “I love you! C’mon, the band’s gonna make it!”

Mike Swita ’07

I’d probably go; it’s a better bet than the concerts they’ve had recently. I hope they’ll try to bring Pablo Francisco. He’s got this whole “little tortilla boy” bit that’s actually pretty funny

Jie Tang ’08

I’d go to a comedy show in Sanders – I guess it’s better than another concert, given the success of those recently. People are less likely to have strong preferences about comics, and I guess it’s good they have a cause for this one; people like to feel like they’re doing something good with their money.

Annie Lewis ’07

I think stand-up is awkward—you’re sitting in front of someone and they’re obviously pretending to do something that isn’t natural to them. It’s contrived. They should bring that vagina workshop lady. I’m absolutely sure that at Harvard, where nobody actually gets any, they could fill Sanders.


