1. Bebel Gilberto - “So Nice (Summer Samba remixed by Mario Caldato Jr.)”: Damn, thank goodness this song came up first…I love this song. It’s so chill.
2. Ken Oak Band - “Madness & Back”: Though this ain’t my favorite track on his newest album, this one still is a pretty defining piece…an angel, wings of guitars, robe of cello, voice of Ken.
3. Musiq (Soulchild) - “Girl Next Door ft. Ayana”: This counts as a throwback now, doesn’t it? Oh, 2000, never mind that. You ever have that special lady friend with who you probably would have shared your grub, depending on how close you was? Yeah, no.
4. Feist - “Gatekeeper” (live KCRW radio session): Hello dear. Not quite as good as “Secret Heart” but still one of the best tracks on the album, and this live version is quite groovy with those very mellow fake jazz chords.
5. Paul Wall - “Oh No ft. Trae”: Oh no, friggin’ a, the hook is so hot. It had to be Mike Jones, ushering in that new wave of dirty south, Texas-style. Who Is Mike Jones?!