
Class of 2004 Ties the Knot

David E. Stein

Melissa M. Borja '04 and Gregory G. Westin '04-'05

Each year, a small number of undergraduates make the commitment to spend the rest of their lives together upon giving and receiving wedding proposals. This year’s engaged few met and fell in love throughout their four years at Harvard, here they share their stories of dealing with theses, law school applications, and the entrance of the word “mortgage” to their vocabulary far sooner than they ever expected.

Hannah E. Kenser ’04 and Jeffery E. Heck ’03

July 3, 2004

This summer, Hannah E. Kenser ’04 and Jeffery E. Heck ’03 will realize their wedding plans—plans that have spanned a year and have included a change in wedding gowns.

“Finishing school and planning a wedding has been a lot to balance, it was frequently thesis on hold for wedding, wedding on hold for thesis,” says Kenser.



The balancing seems to have worked. Kenser received a Hoopes Prize for her senior thesis and the couple has invested in a condominium in Atlanta, where Heck is currently enrolled in the Business Leadership Program at the Home Depot corporate headquarters.

The couple has had support from both families and friends in their efforts.

“We both have large extended families, which helps,” says Kenser. “Friends have also been helpful in doing things like addressing envelopes for invitations.”

Heck proposed in his home in Cincinnati during spring break of 2003, when he brought Kenser a menu for breakfast in bed. When she lifted the plate cover, she found a ring and accepted his proposal.

The pair have been dating since her first year, after meeting on a cruise with the campus group Christian Impact.

Jane Lynch ’04 and Jordan M. VanLare ’04

August 1, 2004

“We’re knocking out drywall as we speak,” says Jordan M. VanLare ’04. He and Jane Lynch ’04 have set up house and are ready for their late summer nuptials in his hometown in the upstate New York Finger Lakes region.

In the meantime, the two seniors have purchased a home in Arlington to accommodate Lynch’s studies at Harvard Law School next year and VanLare’s job consulting for McKinsey & Co. before he goes on to medical school.
