
KSG Student To Run for Congress

Democratic student will challenge incumbent

Kennedy School of Government student Tim Sultan has decided to put theory into practice for Lecturer on Public Policy Mickey Edwards’ class PAL224, “Winning Elections.”

Sultan, 33, a mid-career student at the KSG, decided last week that he would run against 20-year incumbent Jim Kolbe for Arizona’s District 8 Congressional seat.

Sultan said that he decided to step up to the plate since the Democrats hadn’t put forward another candidate.

“There is no Democrat running in the race and we just can’t let that go—we can’t write this race off,” Sultan said. “Sure, going up against a 20-year incumbent sounds daunting, but there’s no one else to carry the torch.”

Kolbe will face challenger Randall Graf in the Republican primary before the winner meets Sultan in November’s general election.


“In Arizona, we’ve had the same man in the same seat for the past 20 years. I feel like anything he wanted to do, he could have already done,” Sultan said.

Sultan graduated from the University of Arizona in 1993.

After receiving his MBA, he served as a congressional aide to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

He said his experience working for Pelosi ultimately inspired him to become involved in government.

“I’m frustrated,” Sultan said, “I think we are headed in the wrong direction. Working in the Pelosi office, I saw how the Tom Delays and the Bush administration just get a blank check. And I want to stop that.”

Sultan said he thinks he can paint southern Arizona blue because the voters in the area are traditionally more moderate, while he believes the Republican party is moving further right.

He cited his stance on the environment, immigration and economic development as three key issues which he feels will resonate with voters in his hometown of Tucson.

Though he just decided to form an exploratory committee last week, Sultan’s campaign is already gearing up as friends in Arizona have begun circulating papers to get the 600 signatures necessary for his name to appear on the ballot.

Sultan’s fellow KSG classmates are also pitching in and organizing the campaign’s first fundraiser, which will be held tonight at Brother Jimmy’s BBQ in Harvard Square.

“So many people have come out to help,” he said. “It’s really touching that they all believe in me.”
